Monday, May 16, 2011

My Weekend at the Makeup Show New York

If you are unfamiliar with the Makeup Show, it is the largest PRO-ONLY beauty event in NYC! They also have events in Los Angeles, Chicago, and London, but seeing as I hail from the big apple I choose to focus upon the wonders of the New York event.
This past weekend I had the exquisite company of my friends Kate (brilliant woman who runs the fabulous cosmetic boutiques Beauty and Main), Corey Grayhorse (one of my most favorite photographers ever), and Corey's truly lovely sister Taylor (who owns the incredible Casa Viva Clothing and Lifestyle boutique in Mexico). More fun, or more lovely company would be hard to find anywhere.
Kate, Me, Corey, Taylor

We attended a Makeup Show sponsored party the night before the event, called "New York Groove: A Gallery of Makeup Art and Cocktail Party". Some of the exhibitors from the Makeup Show were presenting incredible demonstrations that evening (Make Up For Ever, OCC Makeup, Armour Beauty, and Inglot to name just a few), while DJ's  James Vincent-Director of Artistry for the Makeup Show, and the Powder Group, Theo Kogan- founder of Armour Beauty as well as singer, model, and mother, and Jeremy Meek-Program director for the Powder Group played killer music, and some of the brightest talent in the makeup world got to mingle and have an all round fun time. I also had the honor encountering Dany Sanz (creator of Make Up For Ever) at this party. I have to admit, the last time I was so gob smacked was when I got to meet Kevyn Aucoin many many years ago. She is beautiful, and brilliant, exactly as one would expect! Needless to say it was a perfect beginning to the weekend.
The MUFE team, including Dany Sanz!! And their AMAZING models

The Armour Beauty Model at New York Groove, makeup by Theo Kogan

The next morning we attended the main event at the Metropolitan Pavilion on West 18th St. To describe it as mobbed would be an understatement. It was wall to wall professional beauty junkies. I saw quite a few familiar faces and made some new friends. Allow me to share with you a few of the booths that really knocked my socks off and left me wanting more; 

Hakuhodo Brushes -I cannot emphasize this enough, you can have the most exquisite makeup in the world, but without the right tools you will never achieve your true artistry potential. On the flip side you can have the most substandard product in the world, but with beautiful brushes you will be able to create perfection. Hakuhodo brushes are the most beautifully crafted brushes I have ever encountered; Period. Top of the mountain. They do not get better. They are the "Stradivarius" of brushes. Instead of being cut to shape like all other brushes they sculpted into shape leaving the hair intact. I spent a LOT of money at this booth and will gladly spend much more in the future. Their quality almost leaves me speechless. And the people running the booth were so knowledgeable and helpful. I am in fact, in love...

OCC Makeup- I LOVE OCC. If you see a bold lip color on me (like in the picture above...), it is almost a sure bet that it is one of their Lip Tars. OCC was created by David Klasfeld in 2004.He has created some of the most vivid powder pigments, most innovative textures (try the Lip Tars and tell me they aren't revolutionary), the most superior air brush products on the market, and the hands down BEST vegan makeup brushes ever. This line is beyond exceptional and 100% vegan. For those of you who are working makeup artists, even if you are not vegan, you may have a vegan client and it is incredibly appreciated when you present them the option of 100% vegan products. And even if you aren't vegan and plan on never having vegan clients, or clients at all for that matter, OCC is some of the coolest makeup and tools you can find anywhere!. I already own 2 complete brush sets, almost the complete collection of pigments and lip tars, and more than a couple of their fantastic nail polishes, but I still managed to find two pigments I didn't already own and HAD to have:"Flawed" (one of the prettiest golds ever)and "Bitmap" (a perfect mossy green with a shimmer) ... 

Armour Beauty- My new favorite lip glosses! They are paraben free, and loaded with wonderful things like grape seek extract, and avocado oil. They go on like a dream. They come in some of the coolest colors ever. And they were created by Theo Kogan who is one of those women who is so cool and beautiful that you want to hate her, but she is so damn lovely and down to earth, all you can really do is wish you were her best friend. I brought home "After Hours" "Grace" and "Kashmir" and I suspect my collection will be growing quite rapidly.I am already kicking myself for not grabbing "Ann Margaret" "Barracuda" "Dreaming" and "Diana" while I was there...

RMS Beauty- RMS Beauty are my new favorite finger paints! It is a small line of beautifully crafted simple glass pots of lusciously creamy blushes, concealers, luminizers, and glosses. All created by celebrity makeup artist Rose-Marie Swift. Ms. Swift is probably most famous for being Gisele Bundchen's makeup artist of choice, she is also passionate about creating pure, healthy, organic, makeup that is actually good for your skin. My friend Kate had raved to me about this line for a while (in fact you will soon be able to find it at Beauty and Main). I had played with a few of her products, and loved them immediately. I rarely wear any makeup when I am not working, but still would like to look nice when going to the market or walking my dogs. These are the perfect products for real women who want to look lovely but want to put beautiful healthy ingredients on their skin, and don't want to feel "made up". I love the lip2cheek in "Smile" as that perfect little something to carry in your purse when you just need to feel pretty. I am also obsessed with her Raw Coconut Cream. This stuff will melt through layers of makeup (even waterproof makeup and stage makeup) effortlessly and tissue off leaving your skin soft and happy. I would buy this stuff by the tub.

I would also like to mention Inglot and Make Up For Ever. We didn't get to play at their booths as they were flooded with makeup artists dying to buy one of everything (who can blame them?). I have been a regular at the MUFE boutique for years, and had the pleasure of spending some time at the AMAZING new Inglot studio in Chelsea this weekend. I love both companies products tremendously and wanted to share that. MUFE and Inglot are both available now online, which hasn't always been the case. So now I don't have to take a road trip when I am craving Star Powder, or the perfect Sea Foam colored nail polish (969 if you're wondering)!

I had a wonderful time at the Makeup Show. Hopefully next year I can stay for the whole event and attend some of their workshops.Really it is something I will look forward to every year for a long time to come.Try some or all of the products I have mentioned. And tune in next soon for more makeup rambling.

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